Certified Company

We are a certified company with following certifications; Responsible Mohair Standard, Responsible Wool Standard, Responsible Alpaca Standard, Responsible Down Standard, Global Recycled Standard, Organic Blended Content Standard and Blended 100 Content Standard. Certified by Ecocert Greenlife, 249809, for more information visit textileexchange.org/standards.


Responsible Wool Standard, Responsible Mohair Standard and Responsible Alpaca Standard

Yearly audits performed through all steps of the value chain. Global standard for animal welfare in sheep farming.

Ensures that the wool comes from sheep, which have been raised with respect to the five animal freedoms.Ensures that the land has been managed responsibly.


Responsible Down Standard

Yearly audits are performed through all steps of the value chain. Global standard for animal welfare in birds farming. Ensures that the down/feathers come from birds, which have been raised with respect to the five animal freedoms. Ensures that live-plucking and force-feeding is forbidden, and the welfare of the birds are respected at all stages of the life. Ensures traceability to the farm.


Responsible Down Standard

Yearly audits are performed through all steps of the value chain. Global standard for animal welfare in birds farming. Ensures that the down/feathers come from birds, which have been raised with respect to the five animal freedoms. Ensures that live-plucking and force-feeding is forbidden, and the welfare of the birds are respected at all stages of the life. Ensures traceability to the farm.


Global Recycled Standard

Yearly audits performed through all steps of the value chain. Global standard to ensure that it is, in fact, recycled materials.

Normally derived from recycled PET bottles. Plastic chips are recycled and not derived directly from oil, ie. saves natural resources and energy as well as use of chemicals


Organic Content Standard

Yearly audits performed through all steps of the value chain. Global standard to ensure that products contain organically grown materials.

OCS Blend means the content of certified organically grown material is between 5% and 95%. OCS100 means the content of certified organically grown material is above 96%


Organic Content Standard

Yearly audits performed through all steps of the value chain. Global standard to ensure that products contain organically grown materials.

OCS Blend means the content of certified organically grown material is between 5% and 95%. OCS100 means the content of certified organically grown material is above 96%