It can take up to 14 days for the package to arrive to our warehouse.
Once we have received it, we will process your return, and refund the amount by the same payment method you used at purchase.
The refund takes between 2 to 4 business days.
Kindly note, that a return fee will be deducted from the total refunded amount if you used our prepaid return labels. Shipping costs will not be refunded in case of partial returns.
Where do I send my package?
Below please find the return addresses.
Return address to all countries
MOSS CPH A/S Artvej 1 7100 Vejle Denmark
Please note: We are not able to collect your package at a drop point or postal office. We recommend sending the package by registered mail. MSCH COPENHAGEN is not responsible for packages not arriving due to postal issue.
Where can I find my order number?
Your order number is a 6-digit number, which is found on the top of the order confirmation that we have sent you via mail when you made the purchase.
It can also be found on the delivery note, which was sent in the package. On this note, it is called a Reference number.
I have not received all items.
Please check your e-mail to see whether we have informed you, that one of the items in your order is not available.
In this case, we will refund the corresponding amount for this item and the delivery expenses via the same payment method used for the purchase within 3-4 business days.
If you have not received any e-mail, please contact our Customer Care team below.
I received incorrect items.
If you have received an item which is different to the one purchased and stated on your order confirmation, please contact our Customer Care team below.
I need the item in another size.
Unfortunately we are not able to exchange sizes, you must therefore return the item and place a new order.
At the moment we only have the possibility to offer return labels in the following countries: Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Belgium, Germany and Poland.
If you ordered from another country you must purchase a return label yourself. If you ordered from one of the above mentioned countries and did not get a return label, kindly contact our Customer Care team below.
Please note, in the case of postal returns, MSCH COPENHAGEN will not accept or pay the delivery or return charges. The cost of using our prepaid return labels will be deducted from the total refunded amount.
In Denmark 45 DKK In Sweden 120 SEK In Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and Poland 12 EUR
I didn’t make it to collect my package from a parcel shop.
If you have chosen a delivery to a parcel shop, you have 7 days to collect your package from the date of delivery.
Uncollected packages will be returned to our warehouse and will be processed as normal returns. Please note that a fee of 45 DKK/12 EUR will be deducted from your total refund.
Contact us
If you did not find the information you were looking for, please contact us below.
Opening Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8.30 - 15.30 CET Friday 8.30 - 15.00 CET